Roles turned down by Paul Newman:
According to his biography by Eric Lax, Paul Newman turn down the leading role in All That Jazz.
Paul Newman was considered for the role of Grandpa Joe.
Actor who got the part: David Kelly
Newman was the first choice to play the President.
Actor who got the part: Jeff Bridges
Newman was considered to play the lead role of Harry.
Tested with James Dean for the role of Dean's character's brother, "Aron Trask."
Actor who got the part: Richard Davalos
The Eiger Sanction was orginally intended for Paul Newman.
Actor who got the part: Clint Eastwood
Paul Newman was considered for the role of Father Karras.
Actor who got the part: Jason Miller
Considered for the role of fireman "Montag."
Actor who got the part: Oskar Werner
Elizabeth Taylor and Paul Newman were originally suggested to play the parts later taken up by Cher and Ryan O'Neal.
Actor who got the part: Ryan O'Neal
In the '70s, long before "Brokeback Mountain," Paul Newman was thwarted by Hollywood in his desire to star in the movie version of the best-selling novel about the love affair between a coach and a star runner.
Actor who got the part: Movie Unmade
Paul Newman auditioned for the role of Tom Hagen.
Actor who got the part: Robert Duvall
Paul Newman wanted to play the lead.
Actor who got the part: Jack Nicholson
One of Tarantino's first choices to play Max Cherry.
Actor who got the part: Robert Forster
Paul Newman was considered for a role.
Dropped out of playing the lead in the WW II Japanese prison camp movie from the novel by James Clavell.
Actor who got the part: George Segal
Producer Dino De Laurentiis fled the project when master filmmaker Federico Fellini refused to star Newman in this film masterpiece.
Actor who got the part: Marcello Mastroianni
Newman was considered for the role of James Bond.
Actor who got the part: Roger Moore
When Alfred Hitchcock was preparing the film "Marnie" in 1962, he had already "unofficially" cast Grace Kelly in the title role and was considering Paul Newman in the role of Mark Rutland. Newman wasn't interested and the film was postponed until 1964 when 'Tippi' Hedren and Sean Connery were finally cast. Newman would later star in Hitchcock's "Torn Curtain" (1966).
Actor who got the part: Sean Connery
Paul Newman was the first for the role of Marshal Zane.
Actor who got the part: James Garner
Was considered for the ranch hand hero, "Curly" in Fred Zinnemann's film version of the breakthrough Broadway show.
Actor who got the part: Gordon MacRae
Paul Newman turned down the role of Bernie White.
Actor who got the part: Robert Duvall
When director John Huston left the project, Newman left the project, along with his daughter Nell Potts.
Actor who got the part: Ryan O'Neal
Paul Newman had starred on Broadway as Alan Benson but was overlooked for the film.
Actor who got the part: Cliff Robertson
Paul Newman was offered the part of Jack Colton but he felt that there was unnessecary and excessive violence in the movie.
Actor who got the part: Michael Douglas
Turned down the offer to star in Robert Wise's epic to instead work for Alfred Hitchcock.
Actor who got the part: Steve McQueen
The lead roles were envisioned as a reteaming of Redford and Paul Newman, but when Redford turned it down, Newman was no longer considered.
Actor who got the part: Michael Caine
Paul Newman turned down the lead role.
Actor who got the part: Mel Gibson
Tested for the part of Superman.
Newman turned down the role of Garrett Breedlove.
Actor who got the part: Jack Nicholson
Paul Newman was offered the role of Lucien Wilbanks.
Actor who got the part: Donald Sutherland
Pizar originally wanted Paul Newman to voice Woody but couldn't due to their low budget.
Actor who got the part: Tom Hanks
Turned down the role of "Mark Wallace" in this bittersweet romantic comedy-drama, even though he was director Stanley Donen's first choice.
Actor who got the part: Albert Finney
Was set to star in the movie version of William Gibson's play about an uptight guy from Nebraska and a Greenwich Village free spirit.
Actor who got the part: Robert Mitchum
Paul Newman was considered for the role of Eli Zeal.
Actor who got the part: Burt Reynolds

Did you know that Paul Newman was not the only choice for these movies? (click to learn more)