Who was considered for Taxi Driver?
Auditioned to play "Betsy".
Actor who got the part: Cybill Shepherd
Desi Arnaz, Jr. auditioned to play "Travis Bickle".
Actor who got the part: Robert De Niro
Auditioned for the role of Iris Steensma, but Martin Scorsese turned her down.
Actor who got the part: Jodie Foster
Linda Blair tried to play Iris Steensma, but never got the chance to play the role.
Actor who got the part: Jodie Foster
Bridges was considered for the role of Travis Bickle.
Actor who got the part: Robert De Niro
James Caan was turned down for the role of Travis Bickle.
Actor who got the part: Robert De Niro
Early on her career, Geena Davis auditioned for many roles, including the role of "Iris" for this movie. But she turned it down, as she preferred to work as a model rather than an actress.
Actor who got the part: Jodie Foster
Bo Derek auditioned for the role of Iris Steensma, but withdrew.
Actor who got the part: Jodie Foster
Producer Julia Phillips preferred Fawcett over Cybill Shepherd; she wrote in her autobiography that Shepherd's shapely bottom appealed to director Martin Scorsese.
Actor who got the part: Cybill Shepherd
Fisher auditioned for the role of Iris, but turned it down because she wasn't very confortable with that role.
Actor who got the part: Jodie Foster
Melanie Griffith was offered by Martin Scorsese to play Iris, the 12-year-old young prostitute, but withdrew.
Actor who got the part: Jodie Foster
Mariel Hemingway won the role of Iris Steensma, but due to family pressure, had to turn it down.
Actor who got the part: Jodie Foster
Rock Hudson declined the role of presidential candidate U.S. Senator Charles Palantine.
Actor who got the part: Leonard Harris
Auditioned to play "Betsy".
Actor who got the part: Cybill Shepherd
Martin Scorsese wanted Keitel to play Travis Bickle.
Actor who got the part: Robert DeNiro
Kerns tried to audition for the role of Betsy, that was won by Cybill Shepherd.
Actor who got the part: Cybill Shepherd
Jennifer Jason Leigh was among the finalists for the role of Iris who lost to Jodie Foster.
Actor who got the part: Jodie Foster
Was among the 200 applicants for the role of Iris Steensma.
Actor who got the part: Jodie Foster
Nicholson turned down the part of Travis Bickle.
Actor who got the part: Robert De Niro
Al Pacino turned down the role of Travis Bickle.
Actor who got the part: Robert DeNiro
Auditioned to play "Iris".
Actor who got the part: Jodie Foster
Nearly a decade she achieved popularity with "Footloose", Singer auditioned to play "Iris".
Actor who got the part: Jodie Foster
To boost his fame as a teen idol, John Travolta auditioned for the part of Travis Bickle.
Actor who got the part: Robert De Niro
Winger, when she was just starting out as an actress, did an audition for the role of Iris.
Actor who got the part: Jodie Foster
See more 1970s trivia
