Roles turned down by Whitney Houston:
Vanessa Middleton wrote the part of Joy with Houston in mind, and for a while, Houston's company, BrownHouse Productions, intended to film the script.
Actor who got the part: Erika Alexander
Whitney Houston was considered for a role - reportedly the role of Jinx.
Actor who got the part: Halle Berry
After Diana Ross' options to remake DIVA had expired, Whitney Houston was attached to star. Project never got made.
Actor who got the part: Project Never Got Made
Back in the late 80's or early 90's, Whitney was attached to the role of Deena Jones.
Actor who got the part: Beyonce Knowles
Danny DeVito's production company, Jersey Films, wanted to star Houston in a remake of the 1974 TV movie that starred Teresa Graves as an undercover police woman.
Whitney Houston had shown interest in portraying Dandridge. She reportedly owned the rights to the Donald Bogle biography of Dandridge at one time.
Actor who got the part: Halle Berry
Whitney Houston was considered and at one point had the role of Leticia but didn't want to do the nude scences saying "it direspected her and her daughter, and she would not go that far just to win an Oscar!"
Actor who got the part: Halle Berry
Talks of remaking A STAR IS BORN circled for years in Hollywood. Will Smith and Whitney Houston were attached at one point. Project never got off the ground.
Actor who got the part: Project Never Got Made
Whitney Houston was considered for the role of Tina Turner in the movie What's Love Got to Do With It.
Actor who got the part: Angela Bassett

Did you know that Whitney Houston was not the only choice for this movie? (click to learn more)